North by South
North by South
The Art of Peleg Franklin Brownwell (1857-1946)
in English and French; a catalogue of a retrospective exhibition held at the Ottawa Art Gallery
Jim Burant & Robert Stacey
Foreword by William H. Gerdts
9 X 8 inches, 164 pages
9 colour plates; 38 b&w figures
PRAISED IN HIS PRIME as the finest colourist among Canadian painters, and posthumously recognized as one of Canada's premier Impressionists, Peleg Franklin Brownell has been described as "a modern with a background of the past"; yet this modest and retiring man fell into undeserved obscurity. Born in the United States, trained in Boston and Paris, conversant with all the progressivist movements of the era, Brownell lived in Ottawa, where from 1887 to 1937, he headed the national capital's art school.
One of the earliest artistic explorers of Algonquin Park, he also travelled to the Caribbean, the Rocky Mountains, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Gaspé Peninsula. But his favourite sketching grounds where closer to home: the Rideau Lakes, the wooded Gatineau Hills, and Ottawa's colourful Byward market in winter.
Find out more in this groundbreaking study by two of Canada's leading art historians.

Jim Burant
Jim Burant received his Honours B.A. in History and Art History in 1974 and his M.A. in Canadian Studies in 1979 from Carleton University. Employed with the National Archives of Canada since 1972, he is now the Chief of Art, Photography, and Philatelic Archives in the Visual and Sound Archive Division. He has organized art exhibits for the National Archives of Canada, the National Gallery of Canada, the London Regional Art and Historical Museums and Ottawa Art Gallery. He has been a frequent speaker on archival issues and art history in Canada, the United States, Australia and Great Britain.

Robert Stacey
Robert Stacey is a Toronto-based writer, art and design historian, curator and editor with a special interest in Canadian art, design, illustration, photography, architecture and cultural photography. A graduate of the University Toronto, Mr. Stacey was the first Fellow in Historical Canadian Art at the National Gallery of Canada in 1991-92 and was writer-in-residence at the Winnipeg Art Gallery in 1997. He is the instigator behind the imprint Archives of Canadian Art (and Design).
In his prolific output, recent publications and co-publications include J.E.H. MacDonald: Designer, Source/Derivations: The "Other" Art of Allan Harding MacKay, and North by South: Peleg Franklin Brownell.

Peleg Franklin Brownell