Allison Wolvers Interview
Posted by John Flood on

Allison Wolvers (a.k.a. Decorachan) is an illustrator from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Although she has been creating characters and designs for as long as she can remember, The Story of the “I’m Alone” is her first ever video animation. A graduate of Holland College, she has studied 3D modelling, video editing, graphic design, and her particular favorite … digital illustration. Embracing new challenges with passion is what makes her tick. Look for her at your next convention; you might spot her in full Decora fashion.
Penny Rose Interview
Posted by John Flood on

Having been part of the Yellow Door Coffeehouse phenomenon in Montreal in the 1960s, Penny Rose moved to Morin Heights with musician friends in the 1970s and became the proprietor of Roses Cantina, and thereafter the host of her own house concerts. In 1983 Penny was one of the founding members of Theatre Morin Heights. She volunteered as Producer and served as Director for a couple of years and continued to help out when needed. After the original TMH folded, she once again became a Founding Director of the new Theatre Morin Heights and was President for 15 years. In that...
Hugh Verrier
Posted by John Flood on

Hugh Verrier was the architect (and editor) of the classic Wade Hemsworth publication back in 1990, The Songs of Wade Hemsworth. Together with a clearly articulated vision for the project, he contributed invaluable insight for presenting and interpreting the material that has both musical and visual appeal. Hugh’s interest is both to preserve and to promote Wade's legacy.
Wade D. Hemsworth Interview
Posted by John Flood on

On the occasion of Wade Hemsworth’s 75th birthday, his nephew Wade D. Hemsworth (D. for Duncan), a journalist with the Hamilton Spectator, wrote: “I’ve always wanted to write a story about Wade Hemsworth. He’s just so interesting, so vital, so engaging, so Canadian.” It’s true that in folksinging circles “Big Wade” was a legend. “Everybody looked up to him, and on the rare occasions when he would visit, the whole family would come over to my grandparents’ house on Victoria Street [in Brantford, Ontario], to see the nomadic uncle who travelled by train with a suitcase in one hand and a guitar...
Elizabeth Whalley Interview
Posted by John Flood on

Peter Whalley’s daughter, Elizabeth, has recently returned from New York and Nova Scotia to live in Morin Heights and to carry on her work as an artist. Presently residing in her father’s log-built home, Elizabeth provides a glimpse into Peter’s private life, demeanour as a cartoonist, work ethic, and range of artistic mediums. Interpreting his visual output as “texts,” Elizabeth muses on the social and political context of her father's artwork, often reflecting on the nature of his personality as influencing his non-traditional creativity. She also comments on his friendship with Wade Hemsworth and provides insight into aspects of “The Story...