The Peasant Kingdom

The Peasant Kingdom

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The Peasant Kingdom

Canada in the 19th-Century Russian Imagination

J.L. Black

6 X 9 inches, 252 pages

With translations by Yana Kuzmin, Marina Sabanadze, George Bolotenko, & Larry Black

General editors of Canada-Russia Series are J.L Black & Andrew Donskov

Canada-Russia Series, No. 2

RUSSIAN VISIONS OF CANADA in the 19th-century are traced, and wonderfully evoked, in this historical volume, The Peasant Kingdom. Supplementing it is a never before translated travel account by Aleksander B. Lakier, a Russian jurist who visited Canada in 1857. Lakier's detailed examination of Canada's urban governance, justice and educational systems became part of the discourse during debate in Russia over the Great reforms of the early 1800s.


J. L. Black

Author, General Editor

J.L. Black is Director of the Centre for Research on Canadian-Russian Relations.


Centre for Research on Canadian-Russian Relations


The Centre for Research on Canadian-Russian Relations at Carleton University holds some 20,000 photocopies of documents on Canada from Russia's archives. They range in time from the late 18th century to the 1970s, and cover such diverse topics as diplomatic and trade relations, cultural connections, the Canadian Communist Party and Comintern, wartime relationships, hockey and other sport associations, and the papers of a wide cross-section of Canadian-Soviet friendship societies. These papers were found, photocopied and brought to Canada as part of a project funded mainly by the Donner Canadian Foundation.

Besides Russian Roots and Canadian Wings (Vol. 1) and The Peasant Kingdom (Vol. 2), other volumes planned for the series include despatches to Moscow from the Soviet embassy in Ottawa during World War II, and official reports on the seizure of Canadian fishing boats in the Bering Sea in the 1890s.

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