At The Table
At The Table
Nourishing Conversation & Food
T. A. Keenleyside
6 X 9 inches, 208 pages
Do we have as many meals around the dining room table as we used to — together as families and friends, enjoying good company and conversation as well as good food? Most observers of contemporary culture tell us "No," yet research shows that table talk is important to childhood development and a social and psychological anchor for all who join in the experience.
This book is a celebration of families and friends, eating and talking around the table, and subtly reveals at the same time the benefits of doing so. From a comical brush with the KGB to the capers of an eccentric climber in the Himalayas, it is a collection of unusual, entertaining and informative tales shared at tables in many locales. It also includes recipes that are relatively simple to prepare, usually healthy, and always tasty.
"When you finish this book, you'll want to get out your neglected bottle of lemon oil, give your thirsty old table a rub, and then call everyone to dinner."
T.A. Keenleyside
T.A. Keenleyside is a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Windsor and a former journalist and diplomat. He is the author of three award-winning books, including Missing the Bus, Making the Connection: Tales and Tastes of Travel and Roaming the Big Land: Flavours of Canada winners of Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in 2009 and 2011.