A World of Dragons

A World of Dragons

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A World of Dragons

Jenny Beck
Line drawings by Marianne Wahl

5 X 7 inches, 160 pages

FORCED TO STAY TEMPORARILY WITH RELATIVES in Thunder Bay while her parents arrange to move to Peru, 10 year old Allyson Wilson encounters the wrath of a cousin, the friendship of a cat, the intrigue of an expedition to an amethyst mine, and the mystery of a cave rock that saves her life.

Jenny Beck believes in dragons. She'll have you believing in them too, if you allow yourself to enter her special World of Dragons... The story is well written, richly imaginative and warm with the personalities of the children who are its main characters.
Federation of Women Teacher's Association of Ontario (FWTAO) Magazine

Jenny Beck


A World of Dragons is the first novel by Jenny Beck, a well-known freelance writer and broadcaster in Thunder Bay.

Marianne Wahl


Illustrator Marianne Wahl is a freelance designer and calligraphy instructor in Thunder Bay.