Beyond Declining Years
Beyond Declining Years
The Art of Aging
Blanche Black
Edited for the Press by Stacey Munro
6 X 9 inches, 132 pages
UPBEAT MEDITATIONS ON THE TOPIC OF AGING ... for everyone! After all, who among us isn't aging? Dash those myths of aging as slow but sure decline. Dip into these chapters—The ABC's of Aging, Count Your Blessings, and Celebrating Your Tomorrows. Remind yourself of the open secrets of aging gracefully!
This book draws from Blanche Black's columns in the Alberta Postscript: Thoughts Along the Way and In Focus—Beyond Declining Years.
"The words of wisdom in these pages apply to seniors of all ages.... Perhaps too few seniors have stopped to think that this valuable resource should be shared outside the limited circle of their own descendants. I feel that your book should be required reading for much of the youth of today. Too few of the future seniors have recognized the vast untapped resource that the life experiences of our seniors represents.... Jewels of wisdom ... sprinkle every page of your writings...."
"This slim, attractive volume of the collected writings of Blanche Black, freelance writer, poet, and dynamic 'advanced age citizen', takes a positive look at aging...
The Art of Aging offers the wisdom of a woman who has embraced life in all aspects, both the good and the bad. It is a coffee table book, meant to be picked up whenever you feel in need of its insightful musings, whether you are suffering declining health, have lost a loved one, or just need reassurance that growing old is not the end of life.
— Country Senior

Blanche Black
Blanche Black—poet, columnist, and longtime activist on seniors' issues—keenly observes people as part of nature, and shows her respect for the cycles of life. Blanche is down-to-earth but never retiring—she is a real go-getter! Once nominated Canada's Mother of the Year, she celebrates Canada Day, Mother's Day, and holidays throughout the year by writing newspaper tributes. An octogenarian, Blanche now lives in Ottawa.