The Master's Wife: The Book and the Place
The Master's Wife: The Book and the Place
Essays on Sir Andrew Macphail's "Masterpiece"
John Flood, Editor
6 X 9 inches, 136 pages
18 photos, 1 chart
THE MASTER'S WIFE is a world-class book rooted in a particular Island locality. The Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead - encompassing
the house, buildings, fields, woodlands and river
of the original family farm - seems to me a fine "parish" where "place attachments" can be both practised and preached.
Finalist, Atlantic Book Awards for Non-Fiction, 2014
Recipient, PEI Heritage Award, 2014

John Flood
Aside from being the busy proprietor and president of Penumbra Press, which he established in 1979, John Flood has penned two volumes of poetry of his own, The Land They Occupied (Porcupine's Quill Inc.) and No Longer North (Black Moss Press), and over the years has published in several literary journals. He is an Honorary Member of the League of Poets.
A professor for twenty-four years (1971-1994) at Université de Hearst in Northern Ontario, which once appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records as the smallest university in the world, Flood was the entire department of English.
He was also the founding editor of two literary and fine arts magazines, Boréal and Northward Journal: A Quarterly of Northern Arts, and the managing editor of The Literary Review of Canada during the time he presided over Carleton University Press (1994 to 1998).
He holds a B.A from Saint Dunstan's University (Charlottetown), an M.A. from the University of Calgary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He specializes in Northern and Native literature through the critical lens of reader-response theory. Having coined the word "readerity" as an alternative method of interpreting literature (as opposed to "authority"), he is the founding editor (and its first contributor) of Bookmark Readerity Series: Readers & Writers on Books & Reading, an annual co-publication with Bookmark in Charlottetown, Halifax, and Fredericton.
Like many Penumbra Press authors, he is listed in the Canadian Who's Who. He is the recipient of the George Wittenborn Award of Excellence for publishing in the visual arts (bestowed by the Art Libraries Society of North America), a few Alcuin Awards, and a Prince Edward Island Heritage Award. He currently resides in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
A Word from the Publisher ...
An Interview with the Publisher ...
Once upon a Swamp ...