The Animals Within

The Animals Within

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The Animals Within

David Day
Illustrated by Alan Lee

6 X 9 inches, 74 pages
4 pen & ink drawings

Penumbra Press Poetry Series, No. 8
PRIZE WINNERS IN THE CBC NATIONAL POETRY COMPETITION open this collection, The Animals Within, by erstwhile mountain man, David Day. The poems grew from the experience and research of his landmark book on animal extinction, The Doomsday Book of Animals, which was itself widely acclaimed and made a Time Magazine book of the year selection.

There are elk tracks
in the fallen snow
These are followed
by the mountain cat's paw
There are no maps of this place

I am simply another animal

I enter a clearing
It is shaped like an open hand

The Initiate


David Day


David Day has published books of poetry, natural history, fantasy, mythology and fiction. His books have sold over 400,000 copies and have been translated into seven languages.

Born and raised in British Columbia, David Day worked for a number of years in wilderness areas of Canada as a lumberjack and a miner. Later he lectured in Greece and worked for a Canadian publisher before turning to writing as a full-time profession.

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