A Jew In Deed
A Jew In Deed
Imrich Yitzhak Rosenberg
M. Corey Goldman
6 X 9 inches, 208 pages
12 black-&-white archival photos
DR. IMRICH YITZHAK ROSENBERG called three quite different parts of the world home: Central Europe, Israel, and Canada. Born in Austria-Hungary, he grew up in the newly created Czechoslovakia. From his youth he was a busy participant in the growing Zionist movement and in the protection of the Jews in Europe.
Rosenberg's fruitful labour on behalf of Jews during and shortly after the Second World War in Europe is the subject of this book. The story is told by Dr. Rosenberg himself, who in 1971 used both primary documentation and his own memory of the Soviet Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, to which he was a delegate on behalf of the government of Czechoslovakia and the World Jewish Congress, 1944-45, for a Political Science thesis at Carleton University.
In the second part, Corey Goldman, a graduate of the Journalism programme at Carleton, chronicles Rosenberg's achievement in connection with the rescue of 301 orphaned children from the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1945.
The extent of Rosenberg's continued dedication to the protection and rehabilitation of the lives and heritage of Jews in Slovakia and elsewhere during his later years in Israel and Canada, is revealed in the Biographical Survey provided by his long-time wife, partner, and friend, Dr. Truda Rosenberg.
First launched on 10 January 2005 at Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, A Jew in Deed is the fifth volume in the Canada-Russia Series published by Penumbra Press in collaboration with the Centre for Research on Canadian-Russian Relations at Carleton University, Ottawa.
Imrich Rosenberg
M. Corey Goldman