Accents: To Write This Child

Accents: To Write This Child

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To Write This Child

Claus Wittmaack
Edited by Ronald Silvers and Vivian Darroch-Lozowski

6 X 9 inches, 109 pages

Penumbra Press Human Studies Series, No. 2

IN THIS ENGAGING STUDY, representing existential moments in phenomenological and hermeneutical inquiry, the author reflects on his fieldwork in two separate classrooms by responding to the photograph of a young girl's self-portrait. Like Barthes' punctum and Benjamins' aura, Wittmaack's accents marks the poignancy within the interpretation. Although the book is topically about the child, its Barthes-like form suggests it is organizationally about the essay itself.

Claus Wittmaack


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