Songs of Wade Hemsworth, The (CD Recording)
CD Recording produced by Penny Rose and edited by Simon Pressey for Good Noise
The Wild Goose
The Land of the Muskeg and the Shining Birch Tree
The Blackfly Song
Foolish You
The Story of the I'm Alone
The Log Driver's Waltz
The Log Jam Song
In the Wintertime
Quiet on the River
Song of the Old Rooster
My Mother is the Ocean Sea
Our Last and Humble Home
Long Dog Days
Remember Moose Mountain
Oh Charna
Running Time 53:33
Except for the song "Oh Charna," all songs on this CD correlate with the book The Songs of Wade Hemsworth, which includes lyrics (English and French), melody line, piano accompaniment and guitar chords.

Wade Hemsworth
Composer, Artist
"I was born and raised in Brantford, Ontario, a small city nestled some forty miles north of Lake Erie in the western portion of what was once called Upper Canada. Sweet and simple old airs such as "Go Tell Aunt Mary / Susie / Rhodie" or "Turkey in The Straw" were a natural heritage. The only French song we knew was "Alouette." It was not until the coming of World War II when I was shifted from home ground to war stations in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia that I first heard true, homegrown folksongs in modes and patterns which I had not known, and, of course, there was la chanson canadienne which I heard from my French-speaking comrades. It was an enlightening time and I stress it here because, since then, traditional folk forms have been an ever-abiding source of interest and motive. But, of much more import, has been the ongoing interplay of musical lore and support that I have had with friends and co-musicians."
Wade Hemsworth passed away on January 21st, 2002. The recent outpouring of affection for the man, and the celebration of his music, show what a remarkable contribution he has made to our cultural landscape.