Where Only the Elders Go
Where Only the Elders Go
Written by Jan Bourdeau Waboose
Colour artwork by Halina Below
8 X 8 inches, 30 pages
ON HEARING THE CALL OF A LOON, an Ojibway boy remembers a story of long ago. Mishomis (meaning "grandfather" in Ojibwa) comes to a peaceful, restful lake surrounded by tall, ancient trees. The place is tranquil because it is sacred, and the Loon is calling because it is time for Mishomis to pass on. Closing his eyes, Mishomis sees his life first as a young boy, then as a Chief, and now as an Elder. In a moment of silence, Moon Lake Loon Lake welcomes Mishomis's spirit, and again the boy hears the call of the Loon.

Jan Bourdeau Waboose
Jan Bourdeau Waboose, an Nishnawbe Ojibway, grew up in northern Ontario, both on and off-reserve. For many years she worked with Chiefs and Councils of First Nations communities. She began writing poetry and stories as a young child. Her writing has appeared in magazines, newspapers and anthologies such as Sweet Grass Road, The Colour of Resistance, Journeys, and Gatherings. Jan’s writing reflects her respect and love for our natural surroundings and her people’s traditions.

Halina Below
Halina Below was born in Germany of Russian and Ukranian parents. Her family immigrated to Canada when she was two years old. A graduate of the Ontario College of Art, Halina has worked as a graphic artist for several educational publishers and is the author of The Windy Day (Lester Publishing, 1994), a picture book for children. She lives in Newmarket, Ontario, with her husband, Frank, and two daughters, Marissa and Liana.